Creating an Account on EasyAssistAI
Welcome to EasyAssistAI, your one-stop platform for all your artificial intelligence needs! In this article, we will walk you through the process of creating an account on EasyAssistAI and provide you with a learning outcome guide to help you mak...
Step 1: Add Your Sources
Understanding the Importance of Sourcing Before we start, it's important to understand why adding sources is so important. Your sources will be the foundation of your AI-powered chatbot. They provide the information your chatbot will use to answer...
Step 2: Auto train your chatbot
Click the Create Chatbot button to auto-train your chatbot. Now that you already clicked "Create chatbot", EasyAssistAI will use your sources and our AI engine will auto train your chatbot. It will take about 5-10 minutes, depending on the number ...
Step 3: Share your chatbot
You are now ready to share your chatbot to the world. Here's how, Embed on site If you have a website and would like to add your AI-powered chatbot, click the "Embed on site" and it will show you the script codes to add your HTML website code. Don...